The brief explanation of our work process is shown below -

  • Sorting
  • Grading
  • Cutting
  • Bundling
  • Packing
  • Dispatch

We receive a batch of mixed used clothing at our Factory. These clothing’s are then get sorted by our trained workers resulting into segregation as per different clothing type and sent to next process of grading.


The sorted clothes are then graded into 14-15 different categories as per material type and quality and sent to next stage of cutting.


Graded clothes are then cut into different sizes, shapes as per customer’s requirements.


As per customer’s needs cut clothes are tied into different type of bundles.


After final check up and labelling the material is packed in standardized compressed bale packs of 10 kgs, 40 kgs or 50 kgs as per customer’s demands.

We have recently introduced new packaging of 10 Kgs and 1.5 Kgs specially for Export purpose.


This is the last but important stage. The packed bales are dispatched to their respective destinations through different Mode of Transportations depending on the Domestic or International Clients.